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My Munchkin trio First I would like to wish everyone a happy new year! May it bring all the best…let top up the last one and make it fabulous. So how are we doing this new 2013? well, The kids are back in school and boy was it hard to get back to the routine! Its been a good week although everyone misses the sleeping in and late nights. Up we go again, I’m busy packing lunches and hustling everyone out the door.  “brush your teeth!” “did you comb your hair?” “are you done yet?” lol typical morning. “M” had an ear infection just after the new year and after some antibiotics she woke up last night screaming about the other ear! sigh* Baby A is standing! yep, she about 7 months now. She crawls around in her crib and although not pulling herself up, when she has something to hold onto she will stand and balance. “I” (my middle child) I have noticed more maturity, she seems to have blossomed and become more confident. Still her bubbly self; she’s the little clown of the bunch. she loves to laugh and just liven up the house. Normally you would see her trying to keep up with her big sister “M”, but she has surprised me these past 2 weeks. I am happy to see her become such a wonderful and confident little girl. Such personality!  As for myself, I haven’t been quit my usual self. Moody, emotional, tired….a mess! I have been in to see my Naturopath and after some testing seems my hormones are off-balance again. No surprise! I have gone overboard on the sugar during the holidays and its even apparent on my skin.  I feel soo yucky! Last year, I started feeling just what I have described. I made some changes in my diet and lifestyle. I lost a whack of weight and managed to balance things again. I felt super! Energetic, bubbly, refreshed.  One of the major changes I made was the removal of sugar! Yes, I eliminated sugar from everything that went into my mouth and in just 1.5mths I was a new person. I then got pregnant with baby #3 and things slowly started to go downhill as I gave into everything I could possible crave. Oh Sugar! So, my resolution is to get back on track and loose the sweet stuff. I started on Monday and already begins the battle! I crave sugar so baldy…headaches, irritation mood swings…oh boy! Its hard, it’s in everything!

2012 was an awesome year, baby “A” was born, new house, new school for the kids and I managed to accomplish my resolution; spend more time with family. weekends at the beach together, road trips, movie nights, we even did quit a few marathon events in support of charity together.

So, 2013 my resolution…

1. A healthier lifestyle

2. Top up last year family time

3. Save some cash (its been hard on one income.)

4. Finally plan a family vacation (ties in with #3) its been over 7 years!

5.  More me time! I need more time to myself. ( I’m lucky to get an hour)  I would love to get more studio time and paint.

What are some of your new year plans? I would love to hear, please feel free to share.

MunchkinHappy 🙂